tone mapping method 1

tone mapping method 1

I am privileged to be one of Jessica Haeckel’s first students for her Tone Mapping Method singing program! I write this after two online private sessions with Jessica, and about 2 weeks of practice. We start the third session in a few days, and I just wanted to...
move on release

move on release

Okay you guys, here it is. Finally. This four-song EP is a such long time coming, and arduous in every step of the making. I wish I could crank out music a little quicker, but the songs tell ME when they are finished. And what stubborn, fickle, and needy bastards they...
exodus release

exodus release

Two years ago today my mother passed away. That’s a delicate way of saying she suffocated after being bed-ridden for a month with a BiPAP mask strapped to her face, forcing oxygen down her throat day and night. Having recently survived a heart attack, she was too weak...