When Maynard James Keenan spoke of this song in an interview he said: “This song is about recognizing, identifying, the cycle of abuse within yourself. That’s the first step of the process: realization; identifying. The next step is to work through it. But, this song...
Well I fell off hard here! On New Years I set a goal to write a blog post every week, and I’ve only written 3 so far. That’s only 15 short right? No big deal. I still don’t think a blog every week is unreasonable, but I tend to get a bit...
Tony Robbins says you can’t experience gratitude and fear/anger at the same time. Part of me suspects this is true, and another part is too stubborn to acknowledge that I might have some measure of control over my emotions and experience. Regardless, practicing...
Many traditional Japanese martial art practitioners observe Hatsu Geiko (first training), spending the first day of the year training, sparring, practicing, and socializing with teammates and friends. Over 10 years ago, we adopted this tradition at my Brazilian...
Halfway through the movie Fight Club there’s a scene were Tyler Durden intentionally burns the Narrator’s hand, while making a point about sacrifice and mortality. This part of the movie might seem shocking or unnecessarily absurd. But to me—whether...
I’ve had several people approach me in the past week, and ask why I decided to leave social media. To me, that’s like asking “Bro, why are you quitting heroin?” I’ve just been responding, “shouldn’t...